Alex Remington

Alex Remington is a dedicated student of philosophy, endlessly fascinated by the profound insights and enduring legacies of history's greatest philosophers.

Socrates’ View on Happiness: It’s Not Money!

Socrates' View on Happiness

Socrates’ View on Happiness: It’s Not Money! We all chase happiness, but what is it exactly? Is it that amazing vacation you keep dreaming about or the new car everyone seems to be driving? Socrates, a brilliant thinker from Ancient Greece, had a different perspective on happiness. He wasn’t about telling people what to think […]

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Socrates’ View on Democracy: Why He Hated It?

Socrates' View on Democracy

Socrates’ View on Democracy: Why He Hated It? First of all, before discussing Socrates’ view on Democracy, you need to know that Democracy during Socrates’ era had a different meaning than now. At that time, Socrates spoke about direct Democracy, which means the rulers are the demos (people). A different form of Democracy was present

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Socrates and Alcibiades: The Complex Relationship!

Socrates and Alcibiades

Socrates and Alcibiades: The Complex Relationship! Despite their differing roles in Athenian society, Socrates and Alcibiades shared a complex relationship. It was marked by mentorship, friendship, and philosophical dialogue. Socrates, a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, is renowned for his Socratic method of questioning. He was born into a poor family and was known

Socrates and Alcibiades: The Complex Relationship! Read More »

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