Ancient Greek philosophy

4 Eras of Philosophy and Their Famous Philosophers!

4 Eras of Philosophy

4 Eras of Philosophy and Their Famous Philosophers! Philosophy. Sounds like a heavy word, doesn’t it? But at its core, it’s simply the love of wisdom. Philosophy asks big questions about life, existence, and everything in between. We can break down the vast timeline of philosophy into four major eras. These are Ancient, Medieval, Modern, […]

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6 Periods of Philosophy and Their Famous Philosophers!

Periods of Philosophy and Their Famous Philosophers

6 Periods of Philosophy and Their Famous Philosophers! Studying the history of philosophy is like opening a treasure chest of human thought. It’s not just for scholars; it’s for anyone curious about the big questions in life. Philosophy helps us understand where our ideas come from and why they matter. Knowing about different periods of

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Diotima’s Ladder of Love: From Lust to Morality!

Diotima's Ladder of Love

Diotima’s Ladder of Love: From Lust to Morality! “Love is a ladder we climb, rung by rung, towards the ultimate beauty,” said Diotima. Imagine a journey where each step reveals a deeper understanding of love and beauty. Intrigued? Let’s dive in. Diotima’s Ladder of Love is a fascinating concept from Plato’s “Symposium.” It’s a philosophical

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Socrates’ Contributions to Philosophy: The Savvy Philosopher!

Socrates' Contributions to Philosophy

Socrates’ Contributions to Philosophy: The Savvy Philosopher! Imagine a time when philosophers weren’t stuck in dusty libraries… Socrates was different. He roamed the streets of ancient Athens, a city buzzing with new ideas and old problems. This was a time of war and political tensions, and people were starting to question everything. Socrates was a

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Antisthenes: The Iconoclastic Cynic Who Shook Up Athens!


Antisthenes: The Iconoclastic Cynic Who Shook Up Athens! Ever heard of Socrates? The famous Greek philosopher who loved asking annoying questions? Well, Antisthenes was one of his star pupils, but unlike most A-students, Antisthenes took Socrates’ ideas and cranked them up to eleven!  He became the founding father (or maybe the cool uncle) of Cynicism,

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Socrates’ View on Love: The Ladder to Wisdom!

Socrates' View on Love

Socrates’ View on Love: The Ladder to Wisdom! Have you ever wondered if there’s more to love than just butterflies and fireworks? Socrates, the famous thinker from ancient Greece, wasn’t exactly known for being mushy. But guess what? This Philosopher, who loved asking questions, had some pretty interesting ideas about love. Let’s explore Socrates’ views

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Socrates and Aristippus’ Relationship: Virtue VS Pleasure!

Socrates and Aristippus' Relationship

Socrates and Aristippus’ Relationship: Virtue VS Pleasure! Socrates and Aristippus’s relationship is a prime example of how students can forge their paths, even when studying under a legendary teacher like Socrates. Socrates, the gadfly of Athens, famously focused on virtue and knowledge. His student, Aristippus, however, became known for advocating pleasure as the ultimate good.

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Aristippus and Epicurus’ concept of hedonism: 2 Types of Pleasure!

Aristippus and Epicurus' concept of hedonism

Aristippus and Epicurus’ concept of hedonism: 2 Types of Pleasure! Ever feel like happiness is a mystery wrapped in an enigma dipped in mystery sauce? Yeah, us, too. That’s why those brainy Ancient Greeks were like, “Hold my olive oil!” and started exploring philosophies about achieving the good life.  One such philosophy is Aristippus and Epicurus’

Aristippus and Epicurus’ concept of hedonism: 2 Types of Pleasure! Read More »

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