Types of Philosophy

Analytic Method in Philosophy: A Sharp Tool for Deep Thinking!

Analytic Method in Philosophy

Analytic Method in Philosophy: A Sharp Tool for Deep Thinking! Ever tried to explain something complicated, only to get tangled up in your own words? That’s where clarity and precision step in, especially in philosophy. When ideas get messy, understanding goes out the window. This is where the analytic method in philosophy plays a starring […]

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Philosophical words with meaning: 25 words and their uses!

Philosophical words with meaning

Philosophical words with meaning: 25 words and their uses! Ever find yourself lost in a philosophical debate, nodding along, but secretly wondering what half the words mean? Understanding philosophical terms isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must. Without a solid grasp of this vocabulary, navigating philosophical texts can feel like trying to solve a puzzle without

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10 Methods of Philosophy: Strengths & Weaknesses!

10 Methods of Philosophy

10 Methods of Philosophy: Strengths & Weaknesses! Have you ever wondered how philosophers make sense of the world? They don’t just sit around thinking; they use specific methods to explore deep questions. These methods are like the tools in a philosopher’s toolkit, guiding them to clearer thinking and deeper understanding. In this post, we’re going

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Methods of Philosophizing: 7 Key Methods Explained!

Methods of Philosophizing

Methods of Philosophizing: 7 Key Methods Explained! Have you ever caught yourself pondering the mysteries of life, like why we’re here or what makes something right or wrong? These questions are at the core of philosophizing, and they’re what make our minds tick. So, what exactly is philosophizing? Simply put, it’s diving deep into life’s

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Consequential Thinking: The Perfect Way to Act?

Consequential Thinking

Consequential Thinking: The Perfect Way to Act? Consequential thinking is when you think about what might happen as a result of your choices before you make them. It’s like considering how your decisions could affect you and others. So, instead of just doing something without thinking, you consider what might happen next and how it

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Essentialism vs Existentialism: Freedom or Fate?

Essentialism vs Existentialism

Essentialism vs Existentialism: Freedom or Fate? Ever wondered why some people believe we’re born with a specific purpose while others think we create our own? Dive into the age-old debate of essentialism vs existentialism and uncover the fascinating perspectives of these two philosophical giants. Essentialism is the belief that everything has an inherent essence or

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Platonism vs Neoplatonism: Is Plato Wrong?

Platonism vs Neoplatonism

Platonism vs Neoplatonism: Is Plato Wrong? Have you ever wondered how ancient philosophies continue to shape modern thought? Two such influential philosophies are Platonism and Neoplatonism. Platonism is based on the ideas of Plato, emphasizing the existence of abstract forms or ideas as the true reality. Neoplatonism, on the other hand, is an extension and

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Platonism vs Aristotelianism: Perfect vs Pragmatic?

Platonism vs Aristotelianism

Platonism vs Aristotelianism: Perfect vs Pragmatic? Have you ever wondered how ancient philosophies shape our modern thoughts and daily lives? Let’s dive into two giants of ancient thought: Platonism and Aristotelianism. Platonism is based on the teachings of Plato, emphasizing the existence of abstract forms or ideals that represent the true essence of reality. Aristotelianism,

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Pragmatism vs Utilitarianism: The Ends vs The Fix?

Pragmatism vs Utilitarianism

Pragmatism vs Utilitarianism: The Ends vs The Fix? Ever wondered why some decisions feel right but don’t seem practical? Or why some practical choices might not feel morally sound? Let’s dive into two fascinating philosophies: pragmatism and utilitarianism. Pragmatism focuses on what works. It’s about finding practical solutions to problems based on experience and results.

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Egalitarianism vs Utilitarianism: Fairness or the Greater Good?

Egalitarianism vs Utilitarianism

Egalitarianism vs Utilitarianism: Fairness or the Greater Good? Ethical theories aren’t just for philosophers. They guide our everyday decisions and shape our societies. Ever wondered why some policies prioritize equality while others focus on overall happiness? That’s where egalitarianism and utilitarianism come into play. Egalitarianism believes in equal rights and opportunities for everyone. It’s all

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